


2023, all Guest User 2023, all Guest User

Putting wound care in the spotlight at Nursing Live

One of Nursing Live’s many topics is wound care, with NHS England’s National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP) director Una Adderley set to give an update on new national standards. Una’s session will also outline NWCSP's proposal for system-wide strategies across hospital and community settings to ensure those with wounds get the right care as early as possible.

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2023, all Guest User 2023, all Guest User

Looking beyond the ward

The wide range of jobs and career paths available to nursing staff is a hot topic at Nursing Live this November, and there will be lots of presentations and workshops at the event focused on the diverse and interesting work opportunities available both inside and outside the NHS.

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2023, all Guest User 2023, all Guest User

60 Seconds With…. Natalie Elliott

We caught up with advisory board member Natalie Elliot, a CVD research assistant and registered nurse at Edinburgh Napier University, and asked her about her career, her views on the profession, and why she’s supporting Nursing Live.

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2023 Guest User 2023 Guest User

Exploring the issue of restrictive practice vs patients’ rights

The issue of restrictive practice will be one of the topics set to be discussed at Nursing Live.

James Ridley, Dementia Care Manager at the national care homes operator HC-One, will be looking at how restrictive practice can create dilemmas for clinicians in relation to the approaches that they take, and the legality of such interventions.

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2023, all Guest User 2023, all Guest User

60 Seconds With…. Jay Trondillo

We caught up with advisory board member Jay Trondillo, a specialist care home manager and Registered Nurse, and asked him about his career, his views on the profession, and why he’s supporting Nursing Live.

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2023, all Guest User 2023, all Guest User

60 Seconds With…. Professor Dave Clarke

We caught up with advisory board member Dave Clarke, a professor of nursing and head of the RCN’s Prince of Wales Nursing Cadet Scheme, and asked him about his career, his views on the profession, and why he’s supporting Nursing Live.

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2023, all Guest User 2023, all Guest User

60 Seconds With…. Sally Wilson

We caught up with advisory board member Sally Wilson, RCN’s Professional Lead for Older People and Dementia, and asked her about her career, her views on the profession, and why she’s supporting Nursing Live.

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2023, all Guest User 2023, all Guest User

60 Seconds With…. Paul Jebb

We caught up with advisory board member Paul Jebb, Associate Chief Nurse at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust, and asked him about his career, his views on the profession, and why he’s supporting Nursing Live.

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2023, all Guest User 2023, all Guest User

60 Seconds With…. Andrea Childe

We caught up with advisory board member Andrea Childe, a Professional Lead for Education within the RCN Education Learning and Development Team and asked her about her career, her views on the profession, and why she’s supporting Nursing Live.

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2023, all Guest User 2023, all Guest User

60 Seconds With… Rohit Sagoo

We caught up with advisory board member Rohit Sagoo, children’s nurse and founder of British Sikh Nurses, and asked him about his career, his views on the profession, and why he’s supporting Nursing Live.

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