Molly Rankin

Molly Rankin

Registered nurse (adult) and MRes student
University of the West of England

Completing a bachelor’s degree in adult nursing has inspired my professional curiosity about wider societal issues. Having worked in the NHS since 2019, with experience as a young carer, I began my journey in the NHS as a healthcare assistant. My nursing associate training took place during the COVID-19 pandemic in a major trauma hospital in the south west, where I witnessed the impact of political decisions. Concerns around PPE, staff well-being and accessibility for patient care later influenced my academic work during my nursing associate course and beyond.

On completing my nursing associate apprenticeship in 2022, I began my undergraduate training the same year with the University of the West of England (UWE). I was fortunate to travel to Croatia and work with other nursing students from all disciplines, including mental health, paediatric and learning disability students. As a collective, we experienced an alternative health system where different cultural norms and values challenged our professional perceptions when holistically delivering care. I further consolidated my learning and experiences by participating in a ‘major simulation day’ where I worked closely with other students and professionals during a simulated catastrophic event.

I graduated this year as an adult nurse. I thoroughly enjoyed my research modules at university, and have commenced a master’s in healthcare research, having been awarded the position through the National Institute for Health and Care Research delivered at UWE. My areas of interest include social justice, workforce well-being and patient equity.