Lesley Goodburn
Experience of care lead - clinical programmes
NHS England
Lesley Goodburn works in the Nursing Directorate at NHS England as experience of care lead for national clinical programmes. She leads work to make the links between patient/carer and staff experience through the lenses of quantitative, qualitative, and narrative data. She leads the work on storytelling across NHS England, embedding the power of stories to influence national policy, influence debate and improvements in the delivery and receipt of care.
She has shared her personal experience of end of life care in a play, a film and educational resources that outline the journey of her husband Seth through 33 short and heartbreaking days when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2014.
Lesley Goodburn is speaking at the following session on Thursday 24 October:
Co-production in action: how the stories of people with lived experience can inform practice and improve outcomes